Today, the world offers many innovative things: alternative surgeries, body aesthetics, replacement with alternative cigarettes, extreme food fads, or extreme diets, etc. So it seems to us that all the alternative offers to the traditional products or services are healthier than what they really are and so because of this we rely on something like a new product or a service. We often follow our friends’ opinion but also the sellers’ one because we consider them reliable. As I wrote, I come from the scientific world and I have worked in the health sector.
Google is the best discovery of the last few years. We assume that to get the positions in the first or second page, an article must be viewed by many users and then be also successful . It’s not true that you go up in position only in another way. For example, my article went up on its own, thanks to the views, even though there were already many similar articles. Good idea check some information on the internet especially in the health sector and on other things it collects everything that happens about health situations.
People can’t wait for politics, or science, to know whether a product is safe or not. I don’t want to offend no one here, because it’s not my job. What I want to explain is that we must always be a little suspicious of anything that’s not scientifically established. So everything that science hasn’t demonstrated yet, it’s better to be seen on google and see other stories or news about what we are looking for. Personally,
sometimes I think that if something happens to someone, it can’t be underestimated. Keep it in mind. Obviously we have to see the source of who writes that source of information. Make sure that something really happened or that who writes that thing is a reliable source. Generally the news on the first pages of google are reliable. So everything is in our hands; we must be cautious to take the right information before deciding or suspending something about health.
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future health information google luck medicine